Sunday, February 27, 2011

Gnomeo, Gnomeo...

Last Wednesday, some friends and I had a ladies night and went to dinner and a movie.  We ate at On the Border (super yummy) and then snuck across the street to the theater to see Gnomeo and Juliet.  It was pretty ironic that we were seeing a kids movie, since we specifically were having a child free night out, but we wanted something light hearted, and something that went well with a few margaritas in our system.

I thought it was hilarious.  I mean, some parts were obviously overdone, but it was pretty entertaining overall and since the critics had been pretty hard on it, I was pleasantly surprised!  It reminds me a lot of the Shrek movies, made for kids but with plenty of adult humor to keep the parents entertained.  There were tons of Shakespeare references, some more obvious than others, and it was clear that Elton John had a lot of influence.  The story was pretty cute though, and a lot less tragic then I was expecting... after all, we all know how the original story ends.  Some parts were even what I would consider deep and introspective, for a kids movie anyways.  The story behind the lone flamingo is touching, and *almost* brought a tear to my eye.

So despite what the critics say, if you are looking for some shallow humor and cheap laughs, check out Gnomeo and Juliet.  In some theaters it is even playing in 3D, but I can't imagine how it would enhance the film.

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