Saturday, February 5, 2011

Why Punxsutawney Phil is My Hero!

How's everyone enjoying the weather these days?  If you live anywhere near me, (or in the North, Northeast, East or almost any state in the US) I bet you are beyond thrilled that the infamous groundhog is predicting an early spring!  I for did a little dance of joy when I heard the news! 

Living in the Midwest, I am used to the weather changing once or twice a day, but the drastic changes are starting to seriously irritate me.  And any weatherman that predicts more snow is officially on my "bad" list (which is a dangerous place to be, just ask Jack).  I am longing for the days of 50 degree temps and sun shine.  The snow is covering everything in sight, which just makes life more difficult. In parking lots half the spots are blocked with mountains of snow.  Every time I go to walk my dog it's a chore to find a place for her to pee, since she is about 10 inches tall and the snow drifts are triple that.  Not to mention my car is FILTHY since all the sand and salt is constantly coating it.

The "blizzard" this past week only made things worse.  On the upside I got an extra day off, since the weather was so bad my boss told me not to bother trying to make it.  So I had a 3 day "weekend" which at first sounded awesome.  Awesomeness quickly became boredom after about the first 3 hours.  I managed to finish my closet reorganization by lunchtime and started to wonder how I was going to stay busy.  My parents were both home Tuesday as well, so we spent the day being bored together.  After a while we decided to play some Mexican Train Dominoes to pass the time.  We played for about 4 hours, stopping for dinner in the middle.  Regardless I was ready for bed at about 9 pm.  Wednesday we managed to get outside for a walk up and down the street, but it was too cold for Jack to play outside for more than 10 minutes.  Luckily we managed to get a nap in and then I started my Wii Active fitness program (which is a whole different ordeal) before our friends came over for dinner.  It was clear we were all suffering from cabin fever.   It really makes me wonder how people back in the day managed!  Thursday we were so fed up with all the cold we had Hawaiian night at our house.  I make some fruity cocktails, Kona salad and Hawaiian chicken.  I cranked the heat, turned on the reggae music, and made everyone wear leis and watch Lilo and Stitch.  It was a pleasant distraction, but now we are back to reality. 

The only thing keeping me sane is planning my upcoming vacations that involve beaches and tropical drinks and too much sun.  At least with Phil's prediction, there is some (sun)light at the end of the tunnel!

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