Thursday, March 3, 2011

Spring is in the... hair!!

March is FINALLY here, and whether the weather supports my claims or not, spring is here!!!  March 1 was a pleasant sunny day.  Flip flops were worn, and I even painted my nails a springlike shade of pink.  I drove with the windows down.  Yes, it was that nice.

People are continually trying to rain on my parade, claiming snow is in the forecast, but I choose to disregard these neigh sayers and believe that our long winter has come to an end.  I am so optimistic in fact, I am returning my hair to it's traditional spring and summer fun blond.  I routinely go darker in the fall, for some reason it just seems like the "natural" thing to do, so when the weather starts to get nicer, I make an appointment for my "summer hair".  I was lucky enough to score one on Friday before work, so my new spring good mood can rub off on my coworkers and customers!

I have also begun the time and money intensive process of tanning.  Yes, I have heard it causes cancer.  No, I am not crazy.  I just want to be tan for the wedding I am going to be in at the end of April.  And because I don't have endless amounts of time on my hands, I have to start early.  Four minutes doesn't go very far in tanning the albino shade of white my legs become in winter.

My poor and extraordinarily furry pup, Zsa Zsa, will also be reaping the benefits of the new season.  Not only am I much more inclined to take her on long walks when the sun is out and the air is warm, she can finally get a haircut herself!  Throughout the fall and winter her hair gets super long and fuzzy, and since I don't want her to freeze to death in the snow that is taller than her, I let it stay that way.  It's gotten so bad the poor girl can barely see!  But every spring, I take her in and she gets pretty much shaved, which allows a newer, healthier coat to grow, and also means she loses half her body weight.  She goes from looking like a giant cotton ball to a rat in the time she spends at the groomers.

So while some people thing I may be unrealistic in my interpretation of the changing months, I am being optimistic, and hopeful, all good attributes, in my thinking that the worst is behind us.  It's time to move on and start stressing about bathing suit season people!  And in a few months, we will be begging for the snow and ice to replace the heat and humidity.  Such is life in the Midwest after all!

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