Sunday, February 27, 2011

Gnomeo, Gnomeo...

Last Wednesday, some friends and I had a ladies night and went to dinner and a movie.  We ate at On the Border (super yummy) and then snuck across the street to the theater to see Gnomeo and Juliet.  It was pretty ironic that we were seeing a kids movie, since we specifically were having a child free night out, but we wanted something light hearted, and something that went well with a few margaritas in our system.

I thought it was hilarious.  I mean, some parts were obviously overdone, but it was pretty entertaining overall and since the critics had been pretty hard on it, I was pleasantly surprised!  It reminds me a lot of the Shrek movies, made for kids but with plenty of adult humor to keep the parents entertained.  There were tons of Shakespeare references, some more obvious than others, and it was clear that Elton John had a lot of influence.  The story was pretty cute though, and a lot less tragic then I was expecting... after all, we all know how the original story ends.  Some parts were even what I would consider deep and introspective, for a kids movie anyways.  The story behind the lone flamingo is touching, and *almost* brought a tear to my eye.

So despite what the critics say, if you are looking for some shallow humor and cheap laughs, check out Gnomeo and Juliet.  In some theaters it is even playing in 3D, but I can't imagine how it would enhance the film.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

So chicken nuggets aren't diet?

We are almost through February and I am officially 4 weeks into my "workout" situation.  My workplace is holding a company wide competition with a monetary prize.  Basically the top 3 people at each of our top 3 properties will win money.  (Our property is currently in 10th place)  I signed up and paid my $10 fee so that every Sunday afternoon I walk over to the office and get weighed in.  The first weigh in was obviously depressing, but I lost weight the next 3 weigh ins!  At 3 weeks, I was averaging 3 pounds a week which was my target goal. 

This week, I went a bit crazy.  I stayed within my points range, but did indulge in chicken nuggets on 2 occasions, and some Chinese take out.  And there may have been an occasional cookie consumed as well.  Naturally, I didn't lose any weight this week, even though I could swear I feet skinnier.  This just goes to show that even if you starve yourself most of the time, you still can't eat whatever you want.  I didn't really gain any weight either, (well, I think I gained .2 of a pound) so no real damage done, and I learned a valuable lesson.  This does put me a week behind in  my goal, and with my friends wedding looming ever closer, I really have to get back on track this week.  Which might be difficult with a ladies night planned at a yummy Mexican restaurant, but I will just have to be strong!

For those of you who are wondering what "plan" I'm using, I am loosely following the new Weight Watchers points plus program, accompanied by a workout program on my Wii Active 2.  I work out 4 days a week, about 30 minutes a day, and let me tell you, that Wii trainer of mine is harsh!!  Seriously though, it's a good workout and routinely kicks my butt, while still leaving me with a sense of accomplishment for the day.  The other upside to this program is that it utilizes the bit of OCD I have, forcing me to workout on my scheduled days, or else guilt sets in.  For example, I skipped my first workout of the week in lieu of spending a few hours walkign around the zoo and chasing after my 2 year old.  Even though I know I probably burned as many calories as I would have with the Wii, there is a nagging feeling that let's me know that before my 9 week program is up, I'll be making up that workout.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Things I Love...

In honor of Valentine’s Day, I have decided to talk about all the things I love.  This list does not include the obvious (friends, family, my dog etc.), it’s more about the more material, tangible things in life.

*Lindt peanut butter truffles!  Have you ever had one of these?  I mean I like most Lindt truffle flavors (except anything involving white chocolate- ick) but the peanut ones are A-Mazing!

*My new Droid Incredible phone!  I have rarely had a piece of technology that impacted my life more.  I never knew what I was missing before I had a “smart” phone.  I am amazed every day when I manage to complete tasks while waiting for an appointment instead of having to wait to get home to my laptop.  I won’t ever go back.

*Wii Active 2 from EA Sports!  This is really more of a love/hate relationship to be honest.  I love that I know I am getting a thorough workout without having to leave the comfort of my own home.  I love that I have been successful in staying on a workout schedule longer than I ever would have if I had to go to a gym.  There are times that I hate my “trainer” though, but at least I know she’s kicking my butt into shape… even if I do occasionally curse at “her”.

*Givenchy Photo Perfexion Foundation!  I got a free sample of this when I bought my Givenchy perfume (which I also love) and I swear, it is the most phenomenal makeup I have ever used.  It really does exactly what it claims to do, it makes you photo perfect, like you were airbrushed in real life.  I just ordered a full size bottle, and while it is a tad pricey, I know it’s worth it.  I don’t wear makeup on a daily basis, but I will wear this!  I also ordered mascara from them, so hopefully I will love that too!

*Reef flip flops!  I live in flip flops in the spring, summer, and fall (pretty much anytime the temperature gets above 50) so having sturdy, dependable, attractive flip flops is always a positive in my book.  These are a bit pricier than the rubber ones from Old Navy (which I also own several pairs of), but they last.

*!  The first time we ordered from Zappos, we didn’t pay attention to the shipping.  So when we ordered at 5 pm and the shoes showed up at 2 pm the next day, we were stunned.  We joked that the people running the site must live in our neighborhood.  We figured there was no way they could always be this quick.  But they are.  Next day shipping is FREE!!!  As a matter of fact, if you want it to be slower, it will cost you.  It’s awesome knowing in a pinch you can get things in under 48 hours (during the week).

*Target!  Target is my happy place.  My son and I can wander for hours just looking.  I almost always find exactly what I need there.  Plus I seem to live in the Mecca of Targets, I can personally name 6 different locations within 30 minutes of my house. 

*Twitter!  I don’t do a great job of keeping up during the day, but every night before I go to bed I go back through the day and it’s neat to see what everyone was up to for the day.   Every once in a while I learn new facts too!

*Facebook!  This is going to sound bad, but I love that Facebook helps me keep up on the lives of people I otherwise probably wouldn’t still be friends with.  We all have those FB friends that you knew in middle or high school, but the friendship wasn’t ever important enough to either of you to carry it on.  Now with Facebook you can reconnect!  I have even heard of people “re-meeting” and falling in love!  Where would we be without social media???

*Vacations!  There is nothing that puts a smile on my face as quickly as going on vacation.  Or planning a vacation.  Or packing for vacation.  And if it's a Disney vacation, double it!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Why Punxsutawney Phil is My Hero!

How's everyone enjoying the weather these days?  If you live anywhere near me, (or in the North, Northeast, East or almost any state in the US) I bet you are beyond thrilled that the infamous groundhog is predicting an early spring!  I for did a little dance of joy when I heard the news! 

Living in the Midwest, I am used to the weather changing once or twice a day, but the drastic changes are starting to seriously irritate me.  And any weatherman that predicts more snow is officially on my "bad" list (which is a dangerous place to be, just ask Jack).  I am longing for the days of 50 degree temps and sun shine.  The snow is covering everything in sight, which just makes life more difficult. In parking lots half the spots are blocked with mountains of snow.  Every time I go to walk my dog it's a chore to find a place for her to pee, since she is about 10 inches tall and the snow drifts are triple that.  Not to mention my car is FILTHY since all the sand and salt is constantly coating it.

The "blizzard" this past week only made things worse.  On the upside I got an extra day off, since the weather was so bad my boss told me not to bother trying to make it.  So I had a 3 day "weekend" which at first sounded awesome.  Awesomeness quickly became boredom after about the first 3 hours.  I managed to finish my closet reorganization by lunchtime and started to wonder how I was going to stay busy.  My parents were both home Tuesday as well, so we spent the day being bored together.  After a while we decided to play some Mexican Train Dominoes to pass the time.  We played for about 4 hours, stopping for dinner in the middle.  Regardless I was ready for bed at about 9 pm.  Wednesday we managed to get outside for a walk up and down the street, but it was too cold for Jack to play outside for more than 10 minutes.  Luckily we managed to get a nap in and then I started my Wii Active fitness program (which is a whole different ordeal) before our friends came over for dinner.  It was clear we were all suffering from cabin fever.   It really makes me wonder how people back in the day managed!  Thursday we were so fed up with all the cold we had Hawaiian night at our house.  I make some fruity cocktails, Kona salad and Hawaiian chicken.  I cranked the heat, turned on the reggae music, and made everyone wear leis and watch Lilo and Stitch.  It was a pleasant distraction, but now we are back to reality. 

The only thing keeping me sane is planning my upcoming vacations that involve beaches and tropical drinks and too much sun.  At least with Phil's prediction, there is some (sun)light at the end of the tunnel!