Monday, January 3, 2011

January- The beginning of a whole New Year!

Out of curiosity, I was wondering what January’s “theme” of the month was.  You know, like February is Black History Month, etc.  So naturally, I googled it.  As it turns out, January has many causes (actually most month’s do) some of which are obvious (Get Organized Month) while others are not (it is also California Dried Plum Digestive Health Month).  A lot of the themes for January were pretty good though and really got me thinking…
January is Celebration of Life Month.  Since January is the beginning of the New Year, it’s a good time to start celebrating life and the things that make it worth living!  It’s a new beginning, a way to start fresh and make sure that you are living the life the way you want to, rather than just going through the motions.  We all have things in life we don’t want to do, work, pay bills, etc. but life shouldn’t be about those things.  It should be about the things you enjoy, spending time with loved ones, traveling, reading a good book, whatever makes you happy! I have decided to celebrate life by taking some extra time out to spend with Jack doing things we like to do together.  They don’t have to be big things, but even everyday things that we both enjoy, like shopping at Target and getting a frappucinno to share, or riding on the carousel at the mall can be a good way to celebrate!
January is also Change Your Stars Month.  This one sounds pretty cool, it’s all about realizing you can choose your own destiny and that nothing about your future is set in stone.  Sometimes it’s good to remember that if there is something you really don’t like about your life, it’s up to you to change it!
There is also the more obvious Get Organized theme, which I think is a good plan for a lot of people.  I always feel better when everything is easily found right where it belongs.  It’s also a good month to get organized, just because it’s a common resolution for the New Year and so lot’s of places sell organizational supplies (tubs, filing boxes, cabinets) at a discount to take advantage!  I am relatively organized now, the hope is that I can stay that way!
Mentoring Month is yet another theme.  I find this one interesting because it’s about giving someone else a new start as opposed to yourself.  Plenty of people need mentoring, new moms, young moms, mom’s to be are good places to start.  Younger or new coworkers, people in your church or community who might need a little extra help, there are plenty of people who could use mentors.  It doesn’t mean you have to hold their hands on a daily basis, and some people aren’t looking for help, but sometimes that one piece of good advice can go a long way.

One more theme that is along the lines of obvious is Shape Up Month.  One of the most universal New Year’s resolutions is weight loss.  I would imagine that gym memberships increase by at least 300% in January.  American’s are notoriously overweight, but lucky for us, there are plenty of different fitness opportunities out there for us!  Beyond different weight loss programs like Slim 4 Life, Jenny Craig, or Weight Watchers, social consciousness about healthy eating has been raised to all new levels.  Fast food restaurants everywhere are starting to offer healthier options, and even gaming systems (Wii) are coming up with fun ways to exercise and burn calories.  Not to mention with some of the new health reform laws that are being implemented, many workplaces are trying to help their employees beat the bulge.  Our company has a Weight Watchers program on property and has made the cafeteria a much healthier place by offering only things that are considered within a healthy range, like whole wheat pasta instead of regular, and no gravy to go with the mashed potatoes.  There will always be people who continue to live unhealthy lifestyles, but for those of us that want to get in shape, there is plenty of support!
So there you are, lots of reasons to love January!  Hopefully it will be a productive month all around!

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