Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011- The Year Of The Mommy Blogger

Well, at least it is for me!  Happy New Year everyone!  This year I have chosen to kick off the New Year a little differently.  Rather than the typical resolution making (which inevitably leads to guilty feelings of failure by the end of January) I have resolved to do things that give me a sense of accomplishment.  One of those things is starting a blog of my very own (don’t misunderstand, I am still resolving to lose some weight this year, but that just makes me like every other American woman between the ages of 18 and 60). 
There are a million blogs out there written by all kinds of people, and thousands of those are written by moms.  Just google “mommy blogs” and there are over 600,000 results, including a mommy blog directory!  Which begs the question, why would I want to add to this ever growing population?  Well, I happen to have a bit of free time on my hands, access to a computer, and plenty of things to write about!  I have lots of random views, experiences, and advice to share (I promise to only give advice that has worked for me personally!) and rather than confusing  my coworkers, friends and family with a stream of endless emails expressing these thoughts, why not post it where only willing participants are subjected to my craziness?
Why should you read my blog instead of the other 600,000?  Maybe you shouldn’t.  Or even better, maybe you should read them all!  But if you are a normal human and don’t have time for that, I will tell you a little bit about myself to help you decide if my blog is right for you.  I am a twenty-something single mom, raising my son with the help of my parents.  We live in the Midwest, but I am an Army brat, so I have lived a dozen different places in the past twenty years.  I enjoy traveling and meeting new people and having new experiences.  I am in love with everything Disney, and consequently am a bit of an encyclopedia on Disney parks and vacations, and have taken quite a few Disney vacations myself.  I work in the wonderful field of hospitality, which as most people who work in this field know, isn’t always so wonderful or hospitable.  To be more specific, I work at a hotel front desk, which means I meet lots of new people every day, some of which are great!  This job has taught me a lot about the travel industry, and it changes every day, so at least it has that going for it.  Plus it’s a job with a paycheck and health insurance, and let’s face it, in this economy, that in and of itself is a huge bonus!
So, what’s with the title?  My son Jack is the most important person in my life.  As it turns out, he’s pretty important to a lot of people.  My mom has lots of pictures of him at work, and everyone she works with is always commenting on them.  On the rare occasion I stop by her office, rather than introducing me as her daughter, she introduces me as Jack’s mom, which I find entertaining (I am choosing not to be offended that she doesn’t directly claim me as her offspring) ergo the title.  While I know my identity is not solely wrapped up in being a mother, it is a pretty big part of who I am, and after all, I am very proud of being Jack’s mommy!
There you have it, my very first blog post!  Hopefully you enjoyed it and will come back for more!  If not, hopefully you will at least refrain from leaving rude comments!  Here’s hoping 2011 is a good one!

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