Saturday, April 23, 2011


Wow, I cannot believe how neglectful I have been of my blog this month.  First, I offer my apologies for being missing in action!  Next I will offer my excuses!

This month has been C-R-A-Z-Y!  My son turned 3 almost 2 weeks ago an dwe are still recovering from the eight day extravaganza that was his birthday week.  It started with a trip to Build-A-Bear on the 10th and ended with his Toy Story themed party on the 17th!  In the week between, he had Mickey cupcakes at daycare and a mini Cars party at home for just me and my parents.  Then it was my dad's birthday.  Unfortunately it would seem 49 is not as prestigious as 3, so not as much fanfare for him, though we did do a home dinner and an out dinner.  And of course tomorrow is Easter.  Then Thursday I leave for my friend's wedding weekend.  Then April will be over and whole new month of hecticness ensues!

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